Meta-University 2020 – workshop “Mediterranean resilient cities: a youth-friendly approach”

A seguito della cancellazione delle Summer Universities 2020 (UYD and MedUni), il North-South Centre del Council of Europe ha lanciato la “Meta-University 2020”.

La Meta-University 2020 sarà uno spazio per connettersi tra diverse organizzazioni a livello globale, con una riflessione sulle criticità di questi mesi e sulle sfide attuali da affrontare insieme.

Attraverso il coinvolgimento di importanti organizzazioni attive nel campo della gioventù, la Meta-University 2020 garantisce, infatti, l’interazione e la cooperazione tra gli attori del settore giovanile.

In quest’ottica, come Consiglio Nazionale dei Giovani organizzeremo la sessione “Mediterranean resilient cities: a youth-friendly approach”.

Il workshop sarà uno spazio per condividere buone pratiche e idee, per promuovere l’azione dei giovani e la cultura giovanile per un’urbanizzazione sostenibile.

Il workshop si svolgerà il 4 e 5 novembre dalle 15.00 alle 16.30. Vi invitiamo pertanto a partecipare compilando questo modulo entro il 2 novembre alle ore 18.00.



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Following the cancellation of the Summer Universities 2020 (UYD and MedUni) and considering the current pandemic crisis, the North-South Centre launches the “Meta-University 2020“.

The Meta University 2020 is not an online version of the traditional University promoted by the North-South Centre and its partners: the richness of the face-to-face intercultural encounters, the mutual understanding flourishing by experiential learning, the networking opportunities happening during informal moments are the key elements of the Universities and cannot be replaced by any digital initiative and online tool.

The 2020 Meta University will be a space to connect and re-connect among different organisations at global level while reflecting about the recent critical circumstances, sharing the current challenges and drawing plans for the future.

Through the involvement of relevant organisations active in the field of youth, the Meta University 2020 aims at ensuring interaction and cooperation among players of the youth sector, reducing the side effects that a disintegration of physical connections might bring to young people.

In the context of the meta-University 2020, the Italian Youth Council will run the session “Mediterranean resilient cities: a youth-friendly approach”. This workshop will serve as a space to share good practices and ideas and to promote youth action and youth culture for a sustainable urbanization.

Our workshop will take place on 4 and 5 November from 2PM to 3:30PM (Lisbon time). The NSC is also organising some joint activities that will take place during the two-day event and that participants are invited to join.

If you want to take part, please read our call for participants and fill out this form by 1 November.